the unofficial homepage of Tiger Squadron 

Colours Presentation 

The Supper

The Standard presentation was preceded by a Meet & Greet which was held on the 17th of June at the Auberge de 21 in La Baie, a ten-minute ride from the base. We had a good turnout, and the intermingling of past and present Tigers was the call of the day. Many of our photo albums were on display and many a "Kodak" moment was re-lived as we poured over the albums. Fang made a personal appearance, well more like a Fang impersonator, in the guise of Clement Paquet. Nice costume Clem.

On a personal level, it was great to meet many of you and to observe the unique kinship that Tigers have for one another. The food featured local delicacies such as pate du canard smoke salmon and cheeses. But the real party took place at the officers' mess the following evening. The mess decorated with black and yellow balloons and ribbons also was graced by the presence of Fang. Again several pieces of memorabilia from the past was on display, with an emphasis on the Gulf and Kuwait War. A buffet style supper featuring a choice of melt-in -your-mouth roast beef or chicken breasts stuffed with mozzarella cheese and all the fixings, fine wines and an exquisite desert. No cigar though……ah the good ole' days.


Photos unless otherwise indicated were taken by 3 Wing Bagotville Photo Unit and are used with permission of the Commanding Officer 439 Combat Support Squadron.

Copyright ©1998-2016 Michael T. Melnick. All rights reserved

the unofficial homepage of Tiger Squadron