the unofficial homepage of Tiger Squadron 

Colours Presentation 

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From there, the inspection party proceeded to meet the Drum Major of the Air Command Band. With the inspection completed, the inspection party returned to the dais and Major Saucier requested the permission of His Excellency, to proceed with the ceremony. Major Saucier then ordered that the old Standard be retired


The Colour Party preformed a complicated series of movement flawlessly, and with the band playing Aulde Lang Syne, slow marched our venerable Standard in front of the Squadron and off into retirement and history. ( The old Standard did not take lindly to retirement and registered its displeasure by refusing to unfurl fully, much to the dismay of Lt Boucher).



Photos unless otherwise indicated were taken by 3 Wing Bagotville Photo Unit and are used with permission of the Commanding Officer 439 Combat Support Squadron.

Copyright ©1998-2016 Michael T. Melnick. All rights reserved

the unofficial homepage of Tiger Squadron