unofficial homepage of Medals and Awards The Distinguished Flying Cross
This officer is a fine flight commander who has always displayed an outstanding fighting spirit. On one occasion his flight under his leadership, acting in close support of the Army, effectively stopped a threatened German counter attack. On another, flying through intense anti-aircraft fire, his squadron led by him destroyed an important bridge on the river Orne. Under his command the squadron has been instrumental in destroying an ocean-going ship, trains and rolling stock, barges, transport, and fighting vehicles. He is an exceptionally able leader and has invariably pressed home his attacks despite any opposition.
Acknowledgement The information contained in this segment is provided by The Air Force Association of Canada and Hugh A. Halliday who is the author of the RCAF Personnel - Honours & Awards - 1939-1949 which can be found on the Air Force Association of Canada Website. Used with permission and sincere gratitude. Additional Resources Canadian Medals and Decorations
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