History of Squadron

First Operations

F/O PJ Elfner

(Photo: 439 Sqn archives)

By early March No. 439 had completed its training and S/L Smith handed over his unit to S/L H.H. Norsworthy. Then the wing flew down to Hurn, on the south coast of England, to begin operations against the enemy. 

The first sortie over enemy-held territory, on 27 March, was a peaceful fighter sweep across the Cherbourg peninsula; not even a flak burst marred the calm skies. After two more equally uneventful sweeps the Squadron moved with the Wing to Funtington, about 45 miles to the east, and on 13 April made its first dive-bombing operation against a V-1. (flying-bomb) site across the Channel.




Another attack on a similar target a few days later was marked by the first encounter with anti-aircraft fire - which was to play an increasingly important part in the squadron's life in months to come. F/O P.J. Elfner was lost, apparently as a result of weather conditions, on one sortie in this period.

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