Lieutenant William George Davis
Canadian Air Force

of George A. and Isabel Davis, of Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada , age
21, died on 30-Mar-1945. He was based in Holland and was killed while
leading a section of four Typhoons on an armed recce over enemy
territory. F/L Davis was on his 96th operational sortie at the time of
his death.
following entry is from 439's War Operations Record Book (Form 540): R142733
WO I Johnson, K.R., a new pilot was posted in from 83 G.S.U. to boost
our strength to 28 pilots, although this was decreased to 27 in the
afternoon when J29881
A/F/L W.G. Davis went missing, presumed killed on the last
operation of his first tour. This was quite a blow to the Squadron as
Bill was a most congenial type with loads of mirth and humour and was
very confident all through his tour that he would finish. He carried
out 96 sorties totalling 106:00 operational hours and giving a grand
total of 1180:40 flying hours. We can only pay Bill the highest
tribute for his keen attempts all through the tour to do a good job
and once he got over the 50 mark he put himself all out all the time
in giving the sproggs as much Gen as possible on Ops and he never
deviated from this practice.
following entry is from 439's War Operations Record Book (Form 540):
F/L "Mac"
McCully observed three MET below and went sown to make an attack
followed by J/29881 F/L W.G. "Bill" Davis; Mac pulled up
after a couple of squirts and noticed flak around his and Bill's
aircraft followed by a flash under the midsection of the latter's
kite. F/L Davis was then seen to do three slow rolls from about 500
feet and subsequently crashed and exploded at map reference B.6894.
entry is from The
Canadian Virtual War Memorial website courtesy of
the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.
F/L W.G. "Bill" Davis is buried at HOLTEN
CANADIAN WAR CEMETERY, Netherlands Grave Reference: IX. H.
Holten is a village 20 km east of the town of Deventer, on the main
road from Amsterdam to Bremen in Germany. Following the A1 motorway
exit at the Holten junction and joining the N322. Passing a sign post
for Holten continue along the N332 until reaching a sign post for
Holtesberg. Follow sign posts for Holterberg until reaching a
roundabout which has a Commission direction sign directing visitors
towards Molenberterweg. This road leads onto the first right hand
turning onto the Holtenbergerweg. The Holtenbergerweg leads onto a non
metallic track called Wullenbergweg. After following the track to its
end turn left and the cemetery lies 50 meters further on the left hand
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