of Leonard Alexander and Margaret Helmer Dixon, of Toronto, Ontario,
Canada died on 20-Feb-1944 at the age of 22 while based at Ayr,
Scotland, training for war.
following entry is from 439's War Operations Record Book (Form 540): This is indeed a sad
day for all of us. F/O E.L. Dixon (J20973) of Toronto, crashed into a
hillside near Cumnoch at approximately 1135 hours in Typhoon 8971 and
was killed. "Dix" was number 3 man in a three plane
formation. Visibility being poor, he lost (sight of) them. Thinking
they had c limbed, he went through the overcast, and not being able to
find them, asked for a homing. He struck the hill while coming in on
his homing through the clouds. He had been with the Squadron since
November 1942. His ability as an organizer and leader will be missed
greatly and with everyone, his popularity could not be exceeded.
entry is from The
Canadian Virtual War Memorial website courtesy
of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.
E.L. Dixon (J20973) is buried at AYR CEMETERY, United Kingdom, Grave
Reference: Sec. R. 1931 Div. Grave 2719.
note: the
following information and photos has been graciously provided by
former RCAF F/L GW Hewson, who incidentally, was a close friend of F/O
Dixon and served as the CO of his funeral.
Elton L. Dixon graduated as a pilot at the head of his class from the
Brantford flying school in November 1942. He was at Derbert N.S. until
going overseas in December 1943.
was born in Calcutta, where his father ( Canon L.A. Dixon) spent 19
years in Y.M.C.A. Missionary work. Coming to Canada at the age of 10,
he attended public and high school in Orillia, Ontario and
matriculated from Ridley college. When he enlisted he was in his
second year in medicine at the University of Toronto.
Ridley he played on the championship rugby team in the Little Big Four
League. He was also a member of the cricket team and in 1938 he won
the school's five mile cross country race.
Upper right - F/O
Dixon's flag draped coffin being drawn on a carriage through the
streets of Ayr, Scotland. Escorted by his closest friends and pall
bearers, the cortege is followed at a distance by other Squadron
members .
Lower Left - Funeral
Service and internment at the local cemetery.
Photos courtesy of GW
Hewson, F/O RCAF 439 Squadron who as well being a close friend of F/O
Dixon, acted as Funeral Commander at his funeral
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