of G. Clifford McAvity and Nita M. McAvity, of St. John, New
Brunswick, Canada died on 10-Feb-1944 at the age of 24 while based at
Ayr, Scotland, training for upcoming wartime operations.
following entry is from 439's War Operations Record Book (Form 540):
Emphasis being laid
on wing formation with one this morning and another this afternoon.
This afternoon we lost one of the best liked pilots in the Squadron,
F/L H.K. McAvity(J4884) met his death at approximately 1435 hours when
his aircraft Hurricane LE 568 crashed into the sea about 4 miles off
Culscan Bay and 8 miles SW of Ayr. He was leading a formation of 4
aircraft, and when ordering a break, his aircraft seemed to climb
until it stalled and then headed straight down. F/O A.E. Monson from
Cody, Wyoming, USA followed him down and gave the position over the
radio. The body has not, as yet, been recovered. Although
"Mac" only joined the squadron prior to its coming overseas,
he was very popular with all the pilots.
entry is from The
Canadian Virtual War Memorial website courtesy
of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.
H.K. McAvity(J4884) is buried at : RUNNYMEDE MEMORIAL, United Kingdom
Grave Reference: Panel 244.
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