Lieutenant William Kenneth Scharff
Canadian Air Force
of Charles Ridley Scharff and Grace Scharff, of Victoria, British
Columbia, Canada, age 25, died on 19-Aug-1944 while based at
Lantheuil, France.
following entry is from 439's War Operations Record Book (Form 540): Once again two
pilots were lost on the same day flying their Typhoons on bombing
missions, J/7814 F/L Ken Scharff and J/21202 F/O "Porky"
Porritt.. On the last operations of the day fate
dealt us an unkindly blow. F/L Scharff of Vancouver, was hit by flak
in the Vimoutiers area and he spun into the ground from 1,500 feet,
the aircraft exploding on impact. Ken was not see to have baled out.
following entry is from 439's War Operations Book (Form 541): This,
the third show of the day, was airborne at 13:35 hours to
carry out an armed recce over the now familiar area of
Orbec-Le Sap-Vimoutiers-Fervaques. Twelve aircraft took
off in three sections led by S/L Norsworthy, F/O Johns and
F/L Scharff. The three sections proceeded to the
"range" independently to pick off their own
"sitting ducks". This time the Hun set up some
flak posts and gave his transport some protection. The
bulk of the MET attacked was found in this area just to
the east of Vimoutiers and once again the keen marksmanship
of the pilots built up a considerable bag. F/O Bernhart
watched F/L Scharff pull up dust after a successful
attack, saw his starboard wing become damaged by flak and
saw the aircraft dive into the ground exploding on impact.
F/L Scharff was presumed killed instantly.
entry is from The
Canadian Virtual War Memorial website
courtesy of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.
F/L Ken Scharff is buried at RUNNYMEDE MEMORIAL, United Kingdom
Grave Reference: Panel 244.
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