No. 1 Fighter Wing - Marville, France
The Sabre Era
Photo source 439
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By June 1957
the gunnery range in Sardina was completed, and on the 26th of that
month 439 had the distinction of being the first RCAF fighter squadron
to go to No. 1 Air Weapons Unit Decimonnu for air-to-air firing
practice. A minimum average score of 20% was imperative for each pilot
according to Air Division rules in order to be considered combat ready
as a day-fighter pilot. There were some misgivings among the Squadron
pilots as to whether this was possible or not , but everyone managed to
"hack the programme", and it was a jolly group of Tigers that
returned from their first camp to welcome their newly arrived O.C. S/L
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No. 1 Fighter Wing - Marville, France