Back when i was in high-school we had a variety show coming up and a fried in my class, Kevin, had his band booked to play ther, and i as a guitarst thought that would be really cool to do too. So i asked around and only the drummer, Jose, i jammed with and (of all people) the principal of the school, Grant, were interested. We knew our music to play at the show, but anyone knows 1 guitar, a voice, and a drummer didnt sound like a band... We needed a lead guitarist and a bassist. As luck would have it, a teacher at the school was married to a guitarist also named Richard and he worked with a bass player named Dan. We were finaly able to convince both of them to join only a week before the show. Amazingly enough after only a week and 5 Jam sessions later, we did the show. We went by the name Pariah for the night, but when we decided to make a regular band out of it, i chose the name Dark as had made a solo demo under that name. No one dissagreed and over the next 10 months we played a few shows and got known in a TINY area.
The last show we did, Jose had been transfered and we recruited Rene as our new drummer. Rene was a less experienced drummer than Jose, but had a more Metal feel to his playing, which suited me just fine. At the June show, a guy i kinda knew, Eric, had his band there too. I was impressed with the originality of his voice and amazed by the solo he ripped off. I started talking to him about maybe starting a little band on the side to work on original stuff, and he thought it was a cool idea. Unfortunately 2 weeks (or so) later Grant (vocals/Keyboard) and Richard (lead guitar) met with me and told me they were quiting. I had gotten the impression also that the bassist (Dan) and Rene (Drums) were tired of the whole band thing too. So i concentrated on my 2 man band with Eric. After maybe 3 or 4 months (late Oct, Early Nov) i called up Rene to see if he would be interested in helping me reassemble the band. He agreed on the conditions that we get a place to practice ans that we get Dan back on bass. So i Kept bugging Dan untill he finaly caved in and rejoined. Besides having Eric on vocals and guitar, it was like havin the old band back, and since more than half of the band was still from the original Dark, we kept the name.
It was a rough begining considering that either we didnt know the songs eric knew, or he didnt know the songs we did. Only a few songs survived from the original set, but we practiced all our original stuff as a priority. To date we have 8 original songs and 1 more in the works. Only 3 of which have been actually recorded in a "non-live" format. 4-track recording with a keyboard for Drums and Bass, and an over all shitty sound, but its all we got.
Dark's style mixes Punk influences with Altern, Metal, and Rock. I know thats a pretty vague description but we dont like to be caught in a lable, if we write it and its good, we keep it. We are currently un-signed but if any companys aproach us with a sweet deal, i cant promise to say no. :þ
But given the capital and support id like to stay indie. At the present we are trying to finance a small demo, but i dont expect that done for a while yet. We are also planning a few shows for the summer, so if you find yourself in the area, come check us out, you're more than welcome, just dont tell us we suck.