the unofficial homepage of Tiger Squadron 

Colours Presentation 

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From the podium, His Excellency spoke these kind words

bnc99-0199-34.jpgIt is my pleasure to be among the members of the 439 Squadron.

I have returned this year to present your new colours to you.

Our armed forces can take pride in the services they have rendered and in their humanitarian missions. One such mission was to oversee the arrival and accommodations for 5,000 Kosovar refugees. We thank them.

The Canadian Forces have also distinguished themselves by their long tradition of courage, professionalism and dedication.

This year, in every region of the country, the Air Force is celebrating an important anniversary: 75 years of devoted service to Canada. Theirs is a rich and glorious history. The celebrations marking this anniversary offer an opportunity to recall a chapter in this history with which the 439 Squadron is associated.

Your squadron, the "Tigers", was formed in England in 1943 at a time when the fighting was at its fiercest on the European continent.

Your pilots were right in the thick of the action, and your squadron received well-earned battle honours: Fortress Europe 1944; France and Germany 1944-1945; Normandy 1944; Arnhem; the Rhine.

A squadron's colours are its most prized possession. In light of such battle exploits, I can see why the members of the squadron, past and present, are so attached to them.

Today, another battle honour has been emblazoned on your unit's colours: the one you earned for your participation in the Gulf War.

For the first time since World War II, those known as the Desert Cats participated between December 1990 and March 1991 in offensive operations and carried out hundreds of air defence and ground attack missions without incurring a loss of life.

We would like to express our gratitude to the Gulf War veterans among us today and congratulate them for their bravery and devotion.

Since 1993, your squadron has had a different vocation. However, the spirit that guides you has remained the same.

I am certain that these new colours will strengthen your sense of belonging to a squadron so steeped in history.

Members of 3 Wing Bagotville recently intervened in a foreign land to put an end to brutality and oppression. They carried out their mission in a skilful, dignified manner. Our thoughts also go out to the hundreds o
f Canadian soldiers participating in the Kosovo mission. Over the coming weeks and months, their job will be difficult and dangerous. On your behalf, I would like to salute them and let them know they are present in the thoughts and prayers of Canadians.

Today, you are making a mark in your history. I would like to offer our congratulations, and our wishes of a long life to the Tigers.




Then Major Saucier then thanked His Excellency for his kind words about the Squadron and most especially for accepting his invitation to personally present the Squadron with its new Standard.

Speeches done, Major Saucier orders the Escort to the Colour to take up their position, whereupon the Colour party then moved off with the Standard under guard to resume their position as part of the Squadron



Photos unless otherwise indicated were taken by 3 Wing Bagotville Photo Unit and are used with permission of the Commanding Officer 439 Combat Support Squadron.

Copyright ©1998-2016 Michael T. Melnick. All rights reserved

the unofficial homepage of Tiger Squadron