the unofficial homepage of Tiger Squadron 

Colours Presentation 

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 Col and Mrs Benoit Marcotte
Our keynote speaker was, of course, Col Don Mattews, the Commander of the Desert Cats during the Gulf War, and who was  serenaded by a rousing rendition of a Tiger song that has not made it past the censors. Col Mattews gave a thought provoking explanation of just what the Squadron Standard meant to him having had eight years to reflect long and deeply on the subject. I won't attempt to paraphrase his words here, but I do hope to get a transcript of his message for later publication.

Photos unless otherwise indicated were taken by 3 Wing Bagotville Photo Unit and are used with permission of the Commanding Officer 439 Combat Support Squadron.

Copyright ©1998-2016 Michael T. Melnick. All rights reserved

the unofficial homepage of Tiger Squadron