the unofficial homepage of Tiger Squadron 

Colours Presentation 

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If sufficent interest exists, a numbered print will be made available, costs depending again upon interest.

The evenings official functions was terminated with the unveiling of a magnificent mosaic tableau. Based on an idea of Capt Pascale Cloutier, our Squadron Historian, it was created especially for the Squadron by the former Wing Graphic Artist, Mr Gerald Grenier to commemorate the 1999 439 Standard Presentation. It depicts every CO of 439 from 1942 to the present. A renowned local artist, Mr Grenier used the lower part of the background to render artistic reproductions of former aircraft in use by 439 throughout its long history. Along the sides are drawings of key landmarks where the Squadron had been based both in peace and in war. It now hangs properly framed, outside the CO's office.

Photos unless otherwise indicated were taken by 3 Wing Bagotville Photo Unit and are used with permission of the Commanding Officer 439 Combat Support Squadron.

Copyright ©1998-2016 Michael T. Melnick. All rights reserved

the unofficial homepage of Tiger Squadron