unofficial homepage of Medals and Awards The Distinguished Flying Cross
During his first tour of operations this officer completed numerous bomber escort and night fighter sorties. Since joining his present squadron he has been occupied mainly with attacks on the railway and transport system of Germany and in armed reconnaissance work. Flight Lieutenant Marlatt has also taken part in close support missions during which he has achieved outstanding results. In support of the Rhine crossing he was engaged in harassing German communications, artillery concentrations, and troops, and in the latter stages of the war he participated in anti-shipping operations. As a flight commander he showed great ability and leadership and was materially responsible for the consistently good results achieved by his squadron.
Acknowledgement The information contained in this segment is provided by The Air Force Association of Canada and Hugh A. Halliday who is the author of the RCAF Personnel - Honours & Awards - 1939-1949 which can be found on the Air Force Association of Canada Website. Used with permission and sincere gratitude. Additional Resources Canadian Medals and Decorations
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