History of Squadron

Across the Channel

Then, on 27 June, the Wing moved across the Channel to Lantheuil on the beachhead, where it remained until the end of August. Attacks upon enemy communications - bridges, road traffic and rail lines - were varied with close support missions for the Army to knock out or weaken enemy strongholds that were holding up the troops. 

The Tiffie pilots could seldom assess the precise results of their bombing, but the Army repeatedly expressed its appreciation of their effective co-operation. On 9 July, for example, a formation of nine pilots led by F/L K.J. Fiset bombed and strafed an enemy concentration near Tilly so effectively that a counter-attack was broken up before it could get started. 

F/O F.M. Thomas Photo source: 439 Archives

Note the L'l Abner cartoon drawing just velow the cockpit.


F/O J. Kalen

Plate Number PL 30304


The fighter-bombers' work was particularly effective in the last week of July when their attacks were a major factor in preventing the enemy from moving his armour from the Caen sector to the west where the Americans had broken through. Yhe sweet taste of a job well done was soured by the sad and profound loss of F/O F.M. Thomas (July 8th) and F/O J. Kalen ( July 18th).


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