History of Squadron

Normandy & The Falaise Pocket

(The Black Days of August)



F/O R.O. Moen



F/O E.J. Allen



(photos unavailable)

In early August there were frequent attacks on enemy positions and headquarters to help the troops fighting their way down the Caen-Falaise road to meet the American troops driving up from the south. On one occasion the Polish soldiers expressed "deepest thanks" for "a magnificent job" done by the Tiffie wing in breaking enemy resistance near Estrees-la-Campagne. 

Then, as the iron ring around the Nazi army drew tighter, the Wing went out to destroy bridges along the escape route and strafe columns of vehicles that packed the roads in the "Falaise pocket". On the 12 of August, the Sqaudron lost two pilots on the same mission, F/O's R.O. Moen and E.J. Allen who were both brought down deadly an accurate enemy flak.


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