History of Squadron

Normandy & The Falaise Pocket

(The Black Days of August)




On 18 August, when S/L Norsworthy's pilots made 65 sorties to harass the retreating enemy, they fired over 23,000 rounds of 20-mm ammunition and counted 51 vehicles destroyed in flames with 93 more smoking or damaged. 

"All one could see along the reads was a long continuous blanket of smoke. The ground- crews reeking with sweat through the long summer day set new records for refuelling and re-arming the aircraft."


F/L WK Scharff (Photo source: scanned from The Roundel)


On the 19th of August, Fate once again dealt a double deadly blow to two veteran pilots of 439, F/O R.A. Porrit and F/L W.K. Scharff , who were lost flak while on bombing missions against the enemy.



F/O R.A. Porritt (Photo source: 439 Sqn Archives)


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