History of Squadron

No. 439 Squadron Goes to War

Side view of a 439 Typhoon in Belgium (Photo from DND Canada website)

After the usual brief stay at the reception centre in Bournemouth, No. 123 received its overseas designation No. 439, and the Squadron went to Wellingore, a satellite of Digby, to complete its organization. S/L R.W. Kelly, DFC, took temporary command until S/L W.M. Smith arrived on 6 January 1944. Two days later the squadron moved to Ayr, on the Firth of Clyde, where it joined No. 438 (formerly No. 118) in the newly constituted 143 (R.C.A.F.) Wing. Some weeks later No. 440 (formerly No. 111) arrived to complete the wing. Hurricane IVs were received and the pilots began dive-bombing training for their new fighter-bomber role in close support of ground operations; a few Typhoons were also received but their number was very limited for many weeks, and the three squadrons had to share the few that were available.


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